vi move around

h char l
3b b word W 3w w e
0 ^ line $
( sentence )
{ paragraph }

10k k line j 10j

H Jump to the top of the screen.
M Jump to the middle of the screen.
L Jump to the bottom of the screen.

10 or 10 Move 10 pages up.
5 or 5 Move 5 pages down.

1G Jump to beginning of file (same as gg).
50G Jump to line 50.
G Jump to end of file.

mx Set mark x at the current cursor position.
‘x Jump to the beginning of the line of mark x.
`x Jump to the cursor position of mark x.
” Return to the line where the cursor was before the latest jump.
(Two single quotes)
“ Return to the cursor position before the latest jump (undo the jump).
(Two back ticks. This is above the Tab key on some keyboards.)
‘. Jump to the last-changed line.
% Jump to corresponding item, e.g. from an open brace to its matching closing brace. See Moving to matching braces for more.
| Jump to the 1st column of the current line.
42| Jump to the 42nd column of the current line.

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